How to Get Your Tree Service Found on Google
How to Get Your Tree Service Found On Google
I often find myself questioning how people knew where to eat or the answer to obscure questions before Google was created. Google has simplified the lives of individuals in more ways than one, but if you were to ask a digital marketer what they think about the platform, their answer might shock you.
In today’s digital marketing world, Google is king, and conquering it is no easy task. With ever changing algorithms, showing up is not a one and done project that can be finished in an afternoon. Tackling your search appearance is a process that takes time and specific knowledge.
So, how do you get your tree service to show up when a prospective customer is searching? Here are three steps to help your business be found on Google:
Tell Google your website exists: Did you know Google has a host of free marketing programs that help with your search appearance? One of them being Google Search Console. This program gives you detailed information to help optimize your website to ensure that you are showing up. Before you can gather and analyze that information, you need to say “hey Google, my business has a website”. Without submitting your website, the elusive Google Search bots would eventually crawl there, but by giving Google a heads up that your site exists, it speeds up the process dramatically. To do this, send a site map over on Google Search Console. If you’re like many, you’re probably sitting thinking, “What in the world is a site map?. Head over to this blog here to learn how to pull a site-map from your website and submit for indexing.
Discover what keywords you want for your business: Picture your ideal client surfing the web for a tree care company, what services do you want your business to show up for when searched? The 3-5 word phrase that came to mind is a keyword. Good keywords are vital because there’s a correspondence between what words are being typed in the search field and the words you’ve written on your website. So being an insurance agency for the tree care industry, we want to be seen when tree services are in the market for insurance. The keywords we incorporate into our website are, “tree service insurance”. Based on these keywords we create specific content around that phrase so we are likely to appear when that is searched.
PRO TIP 1: Do a search in an incognito Google Chrome browser with your desired keyword and see what type of content is coming up. Google evaluates a website’s content and displays what they believe is related to that search. This way, you can add content to your website based on what Google believe is relevant to your desired keywords.
Rule the local search: If you run a tree service in Southeastern Wisconsin, you don’t want to show up on Google when someone is searching for a tree service in Washington state. The answer to this is local search. Most people take to Google when searching for local businesses, instead of driving through their hometown. In order to ensure your website is being found in your desired location, you have to prove that you are local. Google My Business is an online directory of local businesses. This allows you to be found in your local area more easily because it’s just another hint to Google that your business is relevant to what users are searching. To get started, claim your business on Google My Business and create your profile. List all relevant business information such as address, website and contact information.
PRO TIP 2: Create a review generation campaign for customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business profile. This helps further solidify the legitimacy of your business in Google’s eyes. Added bonus if they include the type of job that was done and in what geographical area.
The key to being found on Google is to be on Google! By utilizing the marketing platforms they’ve created, you can analyze and submit data to help improve your search rank. Becoming the #1 business on Google doesn’t happen overnight, but using these three steps can help your business begin to show up more!

Written by: Amanda Eicher
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