Avoid Work Comp Audit Aggravation
Avoid Work Comp Audit Aggravation
First of all, the purpose of the audit is for the Work Comp insurance company to receive the appropriate premium for the exposure that your business has. If you have more employees, you have more exposure to a workplace injury. Because your employee situation can change drastically throughout the year, looking back at the prior year is the only way for the insurance company to gain the proper premium. They do this by utilizing an audit. So if your audit shows that you had more payroll than estimated, you’ll owe more premium, if you had less payroll, you’ll get the respective premium back.
Understanding the timeline of Work Comp policy is critical. Here are the basic milestones for your policy:
Projected annual payroll is given to the insurance company to generate estimated premium.
You pay premium throughout policy year based on payroll estimate.
Your policy renews using prior year’s estimated payroll amount.
A Work Comp audit is required to adjust prior term premium.
There are four key points that I want you to be aware of regarding audits:
Non-Compliance – Audits are required by the insurance company and failure to complete them will result in cancellation of your current policy and any future policies until the audit is completed.
Class Codes – No matter how your policy was set up at the beginning of the policy, the audit will ultimately determine the classifications of all employees. To get the proper class codes, make sure:
– To have specific job descriptions for everyone outline their exact job duties.
– To keep separate payroll records for the different jobs performed by your employees.
Sub-Contractors – Sub-Contractors will be considered employees, unless you have a certificate of Work Comp insurance from them showing active coverage during the dates they worked for you.
Payroll Adjustments – You don’t have to wait for an audit to adjust your payroll estimate. This can be done at any time during the policy year at your request or it may happen automatically when the insurance company adjusts the payroll on your current policy to match the prior year’s audited payroll.
Because Work Comp audits are a source of frustration for every tree care company, here are my tips for being prepared for your audit.
Designate a friendly, knowledgeable individual to meet with the auditor. This person should know what each employee does for the organization. If an employee’s job duties are unclear to the auditor, they will assign the highest code to that individual.
Prepare payroll records by classification for the policy period. Make sure to have overtime pay in a separate category so the auditor can discount it back to straight time.
Show your officer payroll separately, as the officers payroll is capped and some companies have elected to exclude officers from coverage altogether.
Prepare a summary statement of the payrolls by classification.
If you use subcontractors or independent contractors, have Certificates of Insurance copied for the auditor verifying the subcontractor/independent contractor carries their own Work Comp insurance.
Have documentation of how you arrived at your payroll numbers available, but not copied, for the auditor. Often the auditor will only take your summary and a few pages of your documentation that the auditor will ask you to copy for them.
Talk to appropriate employees about attire and duties for the day of the audit.
Stay with the auditor at all times. The auditor should not be allowed to wander around the premises and question employees about their duties.
Ask the auditor to send you a copy of their worksheets. Get auditor’s business card so you can follow up for the worksheets.
Confirm the payroll and classifications from the audit worksheets as soon as possible to avoid any mistakes.
We have created a simple audit checklist to help minimize the audit aggravation. If you’d like a copy, contact me at [email protected].

Written by: Eric Petersen
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