
Marketing Trends for 2022

Marketing Trends for 2022

Written by Katie Petersen

2021 was a unique and interesting year for marketing trends – but let’s be honest, at this point, every year the world sees new and interesting marketing trends that take us by surprise. That being said, it should come as no shock that diverse and different marketing trends are on the rise for 2022. As you dive into your marketing for 2022, let’s take a look at what trends you should be looking at and how you can incorporate them into the marketing plan for your tree care company!

Video Marketing

Coming in as no surprise, video marketing continues to be a rising trend. More specifically, short-form content, in the form of Tik Toks and Instagram Reels, are the hottest platforms. With Instagram Reels, users enjoy the quick snippets of information, while creators see their account being prioritized by Instagram, due to their focus on Reels within their algorithm. To set your tree care company up for top level video marketing in 2022, I suggest becoming active on Instagram and Tik Tok. Start playing around with ideas for short videos you could promote – a “day in the life of an arborist” video may interest your clients, a bad pruning vs. good pruning job, or creating a montage of customer reviews from satisfied clients. 


Influencer Marketing

Raise your hand if you have ever bought something off of the internet because an account you follow promoted it and gave it good reviews. Yes, we’ve all been “influenced” at one point or another. 2022, however, has been dubbed the “year of the creator,” so it is important for your tree care company to understand and embrace this trend. When you think of the tree care world, is there anyone who comes to mind that you trust their opinion on? How could you partner with them to promote a service, a product, etc.? Is there a clothing wear company that you could partner with to promote their product while also having them promote across their channels? Perhaps one of your clients has a substantial following on a social media platform; work with them on how they could promote your business. Influencer marketing knows no boundaries – it is simply a matter of reaching out to connect and cross-promote products or services.


Audio Content

2021 saw the rise of Clubhouse as a social audio app that allowed users to listen to, learn from, and chat with like-minded creatives. So it is unsurprising that 2022 will definitely see an increase in audio content consumption. If you have a blog post, consider moving that content to video or audio form. Having audio on your website will help with Google rankings in the coming year. If you have the time, starting a podcast is another great way to create audio content (who doesn’t love listening to a podcast while driving?!). 



In addition to audio, livestreaming is also on its way up for 2022. Users viewing live content is actually shown to be up about 250% from last year. Livestreams allow viewers to connect immediately with sellers and builds trust and rapport in real time – as opposed to perfectly curated content. One way to get into livestreaming is to host a Facebook Live discussing what your company does, host a Q&A session allowing potential clients to engage directly with you, or announce new services or products that your company offers directly to the consumer. ArboRisk, for example, hosts a Facebook Live the last Wednesday of each month in our “Tree Talk” Facebook group, where we discuss our topic of the month (Hiring & Recruiting, Business Planning, Sales & Marketing, etc.). Livestreaming is an easy way to connect immediately with customers and should definitely be a part of your marketing for 2022.


Organic Marketing

It’s 2022 and SEO isn’t going anywhere. The tried and true way to drive individuals to your website is still holding strong and can be a leading source of new business for your tree care company. To increase your SEO, if you have not done so already, consider starting a blog! This is a great way to continually update content on your website and drive users to your business. Make sure to write long-form content when doing so – search engines favor content that is 2500-3500 words. Ensure that your website is mobile friendly, as well! Roughly 60% of searches are done on a mobile device and ensuring your website is mobile friendly is an easy way to increase your SEO.


These are just a few of the emerging trends that are expected in 2022. The more you are able to look forward and plan content accordingly, the better positioned you will be with your marketing now and into the future.

Need help creating a marketing strategy for 2022? Check out our Thrive Sales and Marketing Package or contact an ArboRisk team member today! It has all you need to help take your company to new heights!

Outlining a Career Path for Your Team

Outlining a Career Path for Your Team

Written by Kevin Martlage

I ran across a Chinese proverb the other day that made me think about the importance of creating a nurturing and supportive work environment for your team. An environment that allows them to not only be successful but helps them intentionally and transparently identify their professional career goals while having the proper support to obtain them. The Chinese Proverb goes like this, 

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” 

You may be asking yourself, what does that have to do with a supportive work environment and specifically why having a career path for your team is important? The answer to that lies within the true meaning, in my opinion, of this proverb and how you can support your team through career development.

As professionals in the tree care industry, we are certainly able to outline and discuss the importance of a healthy green infrastructure and specifically the role a healthy canopy and each tree within that canopy. Similarly, we also know the various stages of how a tree grows and develops over time. Everything from how the seed is planted and germinates below ground with the radicle (primary root) and the plumule emerging from that seed to the seedling stage and sapling stage which leads to the Heartwood, Xylem, Phloem, outer bark, and eventually each individual branch and leaf. Without each of those stages developing in a specific order, a tree would not exist and therefore would not be a sustainable part of the ecosystem and canopy. How a tree is planted, nurtured, and developed over time is important to how that tree ultimately survives and becomes an integral part of the ecosystem which is so very important to all of us. 

With that in mind, I challenge you to think of your organization and your team as a tree that needs to be planted, nurtured, and grown over time. Specifically, think of each of your employees as an integral part of your organizational ‘canopy’ which requires the various ‘trees’, your employees, to be highly functioning and productive as you provide your service to the ‘ecosystem’ of the industry. Without a strong workforce, who is highly motivated, supported, safe, trustworthy, and strategic you will find your overall long term sustainable success to be far more challenging than it should be. A specific and detailed career path can help to attract higher quality employees, keep your current employees engaged, and set your organization apart from the competition as a highly supportive place of business that employees want to work for. 

Career paths can take many different forms regarding what they provide your employees. The number one goal in creating a career path is that it is aligned with the goals of your organization while allowing for the individual and collective growth and development of your team. 


When beginning to develop your employee career path, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • What do your employees want and need from their careers (i.e., goals and desires)?
  • What can the workforce provide to your organization to be successful (i.e., needed skills)?
  • Can the developed career path be easily supported by you and your leadership team?
  • How will it be communicated to the team and kept alive once in place?

Once you have strategically determined the answers above, it is time to develop the career path for your employees and your organization. To do this, I challenge you to think about the developmental stages of a tree once again. The career path should start from the seed being planted (the hiring of a new employee) to the ‘leaves’ that are produced as that employee continues to grow within your organization. 

An example of a career path might be the following:

  • Planting the seed: Day 1
    • New Employee is hired
  • Seed Germination : Week 1
    • Radicle forms (downward) 
      • On-boarding – new hire paperwork
    • Plumule forms (towards surface)
      • On-boarding – organizational background 
      • On-boarding – team introductions
  • Seedling Stage: First 30 days 
    • Seedling forms
      • Specific on-the-job training identified
      • Specific on-the-job training provided
  • Sapling Stage: First 3 months
    • Root development
      • Mentor identified and introduced 
    • Trunk development
      • Bi-weekly mentor/supervisor meetings 
      • On the job training continues
  • Growth Stage: 2-6 months
    • Heartwood development
      • Identify and document career goals 
    • Xylem, Cambium, Phloem
      • Create a career development action plan  
    • Outer Bark development
      • Review progress to date
      • Identify opportunities for additional training
  • Nurturing Stage: 6 months +
    • Watering
      • Conduct quarterly performance meetings
    • Pruning
      • Review career action plan annually and update
      • Provide opportunities for outside certification(s)
      • Provide opportunities for external training
    • Transplanting (as needed)
      • Support internal career advancement
      • Support external career advancement

The development, communication, and support of a detailed career path for your employees is equally important to your organization’s success as your strategic plan, financial maintenance, and client acquisition. In fact, I would argue that it might be even more important as you continue to grow your organization. The proper on boarding, development, support, and nurturing of your employees will enhance your overall team culture while ensuring that your team is firmly planted in your organization for many years to come. The time to develop that career path is now. This will allow you to look back in 20 years as you enjoy the benefits of a healthy team that has helped grow your organization and provide a valuable service to your clients and the industry. 

If you struggle with the hiring process, contact an ArboRisk team member today! Our Thrive Risk Management Hiring & Recruiting Package and team of experts will help you one-on-one to create the career path that works for your organization.

5 Secrets to Better Employees

5 Secrets to Better Employees

Written by Joseph Toppi

“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” – Richard Branson 

Want better employees? Of course you do! Nearly every company – no matter what the industry they are in – is searching for better employees to add to their team, to grow and sustain their company. They seem to never be able to find employees that can last, so they end up in this constant state of churn. 

Why? I think there are many reasons, but the underlying issue to all of the reasons is the employer. It is the hiring process, more specifically, the way the employer manages the hiring process when looking for employees. The system of hiring on skill and experience, then throwing monetary incentives to keep them is an archaic way that has lost its effectiveness some time ago. That is a system that has been proven to be nothing more than costly! 

These 5 secrets saved my companies from utter employee disaster, and allowed me to start making better employee choices and retain them longer. 

#1. Hire Based On Core Values 

In 2013, I went through a major hiring time. I hired around 50 men and women, and only retained three or four. At that time, I didn’t know why I was having so much trouble. I was hiring the most skilled, paying them above normal, and treated them very well. Still, they were not performing, and I was losing money through hiring, training, poor workmanship, and replacing. 

As I sat down to reflect on what was going on, I realized I was missing the important things I should have been hiring on – core values. 

I was trying to hire based on skill in a time when all the skilled employees were already hired. The way I was filtering my potential hires was the issue. I was looking for skill, but putting no weight on honesty, reliable, integrity, etc. If you start your hiring process by looking for those that possess the core values of your company, you can train the skill. When hiring, we want to train them in our company’s way, anyway, so why hire based on something you are going to change in them? 


#2. Set Clear Expectations 

When employers fail to set clear expectations of their employees from day one, the employer is setting the employee up to fail.

Too many times, the employers will give a rough outline of what the company does, and sometimes even varying deadlines, but nothing that the employee can hold themselves accountable to. Nothing the employee can be weighed against to determine if they are doing a good job or not. The worst part is, the employer ends up getting frustrated and angry at the employee, because they are not living up to the expectations the employer has!

When hiring your employees, prepare a clear set of company rules and behavioral expectations, and go over them with the new employee on Day One. As well, at the start of any tasks or projects, make sure you have production, quality, and timeline expectations set. Employees prefer this, as it provides them structure and a way to know if they are doing a good job or not. 


#3. Be Quick To Invest In Your Employees 

Many times, employers are afraid to invest in developing their employees because of fear. Fear that the employees will leave them for another company. Fear that employees will leave and start their own company. Just a fear that they will waste their money. This holds so many companies back from having absolutely exceptional employees, and holds so many employees back from being truly invested and caring about the company. 

When a company invests in their employees, the employees feel like they are valued, and in turn the employees will naturally want to work harder for that company. It is important to invest in training – company specific training, industry training, and personal development. Training employees goes a long way in their abilities on and off the job site.The opposite is also true – when a company refuses to invest in their employees, the employees feel unvalued, and this is when trouble starts. 

Finally, trust in your employees. Ever feel like all you are doing is putting out fires, and most of them are little things that you think your employees are more than capable of handling? They probably are, but somewhere down the line, you showed them a lack of trust and it is coming to a head. Quit being the firefighter, and start being the fire chief! 

Not investing into employees because of the fear of losing them holds so many companies back from having absolutely exceptional employees, and holds so many employees back from being truly invested and caring about the company.


#4. Recognize & Praise 

Why is it that employers think that money is ALL that is important to employees? I have heard employers complain so many times how they were overpaying an employee and gave them so many bonuses and benefits, and the employee still moved on. They are confused as to why. When I ask how they treated the employee, they would answer in a monetary way – “I treated them good, I paid them well.” 

What I have found is that employees – people – just want to feel appreciated. They want recognition and praise for the things they do and accomplish. Too many times, though, employers don’t recognize and praise, but rather criticize and belittle. 

Start recognizing your employees – not with money, but recognize the things they do well – recognize their value, recognize their accomplishments (both at work and personally)! Do the little things – parties, BBQ, lunch, in-house awards. Praise should be given quickly after an accomplishment, it should be personal, outlined in detail, and relevant at the time.


#5. Be Quick To Nurture, Not Fire 

How many times have you fired someone without giving them the opportunity to correct their attitude, behavior, or whatever it was that caused you to fire them in the first place? As well, how many times have you fired someone without at least showing them what it was that went wrong, and invested a bit of time with them to show them the right way?

Be quick to invest the time and energy into building up your employees. Don’t get me wrong, there are those people that you hire foolishly, and you know that no matter what you do, they are still going to be trouble. With the rest, you have the opportunity to not fire them, but nurture them into the best version of themselves. 


Hiring the right way is just as important as hiring the right person. As an employer, you are responsible for the people you hire, the culture you create, and the community they are all a part of. When you hire and maintain employees as discussed above, you will create employees that will work for you, your vision, and towards your mission. If you struggle with the hiring process, contact an ArboRisk team member today! Our Thrive Risk Management Hiring & Recruiting Package can help address your hiring woes and take your company to new heights!

Who Is Your Recruiting Champion?

Who Is Your Recruiting Champion?

Written by Eric Petersen, CIC

Almost every tree service owner has a difficult time finding new employees, yet most don’t actually do anything to improve their recruiting situation. But that’s not because they are lazy, no, it’s quite the opposite, something always comes up that takes the owner’s time and attention away from recruiting efforts. Because of this, every tree care company needs to designate a Recruiting Champion within their organization. 

What is a Recruiting Champion? This is the person who takes responsibility for recruiting new employees to your company. They have the authority and dedicated budget to spend a certain amount of their time on recruiting activities. This position can be filled by anyone within the organization, however for the position to be successful there has to be clear expectations of what the specific roles that the Recruiting Champion must fulfill. 

There are three main roles the Recruiting Champion must accomplish within your tree care company. 

  1. Understands the staffing needs – The Recruiting Champion must be involved in strategic planning of the company to understand where the company is headed and therefore anticipate what the staffing needs will be in the future. Planning for the upcoming busy season is the most immediate need that the Recruiting Champion should consider. How many people do we need in the next 6 months to hit our growth goals? You also should paint a broader picture for the Recruiting Champion as to what the company will look like in 3 – 5 years so they can help with the potential development of current employees or the need to hire for different skill sets in the future. 
  2. Creates and executes the recruitment strategy – Creating a recruitment strategy consists of identifying what your target employee looks like (the profile of characteristics, not physical looks) and learning where they interact so you can be present and offer career opportunities to them. Developing a visual Career Path is an essential part of the recruitment strategy so when you do get an interested employee you can show them how they are able to have a lengthy career within your organization. The Recruiting Champion is also responsible for attending the career fairs and hiring events that were identified in the strategy.
  3. Screens and helps on interviews – The Recruiting Champion should not be responsible for all of the hiring activities, but they should be involved in the screening and initial interviews for potential employees. This will help them gain a better understanding of the recruiting efforts that they have embarked upon and how they can adjust the strategy to improve their results. You have to be careful of bias that the Recruiting Champion may impose upon their preferred candidates and therefore be part of the hiring team and not the only one performing the hiring process. 

Remember that recruiting activities do not produce immediate results, however, we all know what you’ll get if you don’t start doing it. After you identify a Recruiting Champion within your company, start by dedicating just 5% of their time to recruiting activities. That equates to ½ of a day for every two weeks worked. Trust me, even that small amount of time will return great dividends in your recruiting efforts. 

If you are struggling with recruiting new employees and want help creating a Recruiting Champion within your company, sign up for our Thrive Hiring & Recruiting package today or contact an ArboRisk team member to learn more!

Why You Don’t Want a January 1st Renewal Date

Why You Don’t Want a January 1st Renewal Date

Written by Eric Petersen, CIC

Alongside a million other things going on at the end of the year, many tree care companies also have their package insurance (work comp, general liability, auto, etc) renewal to deal with. While there are a few advantages to having your insurance renewal on January 1st, like coordinating with your fiscal calendar year and the fact that it is traditionally a slower time for production, there are many more negatives to having your renewal at the turn of the new year.

Let’s take a look at why we recommend NOT having a January 1st renewal date. 

    1. Holidays – Isn’t there enough happening in December already? Between family vacations and staff taking time off, the work days are always limited late in December, thereby shrinking the amount of actual time you have to renew your insurance policies. 
    2. Underwriters are swamped – It has been estimated that 25% of all work comp renewals happen on January 1st! That is a tremendous number focused around one specific date! The underwriters that you and your insurance agent are relying on to give full attention to  pricing considerations are simply swamped. They don’t have enough time to work in the level of detail that they can during other times of the year. 
    3. Health Insurance Renewal – An even higher percentage of health insurance renewals happen on Jan. 1st. If dealing with health insurance and your package insurance on one day makes for an exciting time in your life, give me a call, we can probably find a spot on our team for you. There is almost noone that wants to go through both health insurance and your package insurance at the same time. 
    4. License Renewals – Almost all municipalities and state departments renew their licenses on Jan. 1st. Thereby requiring all of their license holders to submit new or renewal applications that include insurance information. These license applications are held up by a slow insurance renewal or there are issues when you switch your coverage to a new insurance company. 
    5. Tax Planning – December represents the last chance to work with your accountant on your tax planning. Like underwriters, accounting firms are very busy at the end of December as well trying to help their clients wrap up their years in the best possible financial shape. 

What can you do about it? Ask your agent to switch your effective date to a different time of the year. Preferably in late summer or early fall. That time of the year is much more conducive to getting the best attention from insurance company underwriters and giving you time to still budget for the coming year. If you have been struggling with your Jan. 1st renewal date, reach out to an ArboRisk team member today to create a plan for switching the date this coming year.

If you need additional help from our team, please contact an ArboRisk team member today or sign up for our Free Insurance Coverage Review to ensure you are protecting your business as best as possible. If you are ready to take the next step, check out ArboRisk’s Thrive Risk Management New Heights Package! Our most robust risk management package, our team of industry experts can help you focus on key areas to successfully grow your company.