
Speaking Engagements

Our team of industry professionals are available to speak at your next event or conference. For more information and to inquire if our team is available for your event or conference, please send an email to katie@arboriskinsurance.com

Arborisk presentation topics

Hiring & Recruiting

Finding and hiring great people for your business is a challenge and must be met with a structured approach. Learn what the best practices for hiring and recruiting are and how you can implement them into your organization.

Content Marketing

Gain customers without having to sell to them! Gone are the days where consumers purchase a product or service based solely on the salesperson’s ability to convince them to buy. Today the vast majority of the sales process is done by the consumer before they even reach out to you. So how do you earn the trust of your future customers before they pick up the phone to call you? CONTENT MARKETING. This presentation will walk you through what Content Marketing is and how to implement a strategy in your business.

Social Media

This session presents five strategies to gain more business from social media including: real photos/stories, video, engagement with followers, collaboration with others, & online tools to find and curate content.

lower insurance costs

Ready to take control of your insurance cost? Learn how practicing simple risk management fundamentals can directly reduce your insurance premiums. Also, uncover what insurance companies look for when setting insurance rates and how a tree care company can position themselves to receive the best possible premium.


Work Comp

Furious about the high cost and frustration of Workers’ Compensation? Learn how to reduce the negative impact workers’ compensation has on your company by avoiding the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp and using the established work comp system to your benefit while burying your frustrations. As a bonus, the audience will receive a simple process on how to be better prepared prior to an injury happening. This seminar is geared towards owners and managers who demand a better work comp situation for their company.

Sales Training

Learn the dynamics of a sales call and how to properly close a sale in this session. We’ll also cover how to expand your sales with the current customers you already have. This is a not-to-miss session for business owners, managers, sales people, PHC technicians, ground crews, or climbing arborists.

Arborisk Workshops

Hiring & Recruiting

Finding and hiring great employees is one of the most common problems within the tree care industry. This workshop will help attendees develop a step-by-step process to recruit and hire their next superstar.

Sales & Marketing

Are you getting enough of the right jobs with the right customers? This workshop will focus on how to win more of the jobs you want by helping tree care companies identify their sales sweet spot, improve their marketing efforts and streamline their sales process.

Driver & Fleet

Your employees are out driving your vehicles every day, yet many tree care companies do not take the proper steps to minimize this risk. Having an effective Driver and Fleet Management Program is essential for the success of your business. Appropriate written policies and procedures set up the expectations for all employees to follow and provide a guideline for training and compliance.

Our Presenters

Click the photos below to learn more about each speaker!

Eric Petersen

Eric Petersen


Mick Kelly

Mick Kelly


Jim Skiera

Jim Skiera

Thrive Consultant

Margaret Hebert

Margaret Hebert

Thrive Coordinator

Past speaking engagements

February 2022 - WI Arborist Association Annual Conf.

Topic: We are ALL in Sales

Topic: Hiring & Recruiting

February 2022 - Shade Tree Symposium

Topic: Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp

October 2021 – Rocky Mountain ISA

Topic: Lower Your Insurance Cost with Risk Management

October 2021 – New Heights Forum

Topic: Driver & Fleet Management

December 2020 – Illinois Arborist Association Annual Conf.

Topic: Hiring & Recruiting

Topic: We Are ALL Sales People

July 2020 - TCIA Webinar

Topic: Hiring & Recruiting

February 2020 - WI Arborist Association Annual Conference

Topic: Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp

Topic: Content Marketing for Arborists


January 2020 - Kansas Arborist Association Annual Conf.

Topic: Hiring & Recruiting for Arborists

Topic: Lowering Your Insurance Costs


January 2020 - Indiana Arborist Association

Topic: Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp

November 2019 – Illinois Arborist Association Annual Conf.

Topic: Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp

November 2019 – TCIExpo

Topic: Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp

September 2019 – Rocky Mountain Annual Conference

Topic: How to Reduce the Risk of a Lawsuit by 1/3

Topic: Independent Contractors vs. Employees

September 2019 – Michigan Fall Conference

Topic: We Are ALL in Sales

February 2019 – Michigan Annual Conference

Topic: 5 Tips to Better Social Media

Topic: Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Work Comp

Topic: Hiring & Recruiting for Arborists

Topic: Content Marketing for Arborists

Contact Us

14795 W. National Ave., New Berlin, WI 53151

Phone: 888-302-4288

Email: info@arboriskinsurance.com